Monday 13 August 2012

New Norwich Writers Circle Website

Following the imminent closure of, Norwich Writers' Circle latest website launched today.

Our new online home includes all the latest NWC news and information, along side details on our forthcoming programme. You are also able to view videos from our popular YouTube channel and Twitter feed.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this Blog.

Please visit for more.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

General Notice

Summer meetings have been arranged at

The Green House” in Bethal Street, for members to meet on the first and third Saturdays of each month during the Summer beginning on 21st July at 2.00pm.

Annual General Meeting 3rd July 2012



3rd July 2012 at The Assembly House

with 22 members present.

The Chairman, Adrian Dearnly, felt that it had been a successful year with well attended meetings and social events and excellent speakers including Louis de Bernieres. The Open Poetry Competition was very well supported, culminating in an enjoyable Awards Evening. Despite unfilled committee positions and difficulties with the website. the committee and other members worked hard behind the scenes to maintain all services including updating the Blog. He thanked everyone and added that work is now underway to improve our web presence for the coming year.

The Treasurer Alan Rosser was pleased to report that we had maintained a good bank balance with the OPC generating over£700.

Doreen Rosser Membership Sec said that although numbers were down to 43 members it was to be expected given the difficulty with the website and the shutting of the Learning Shop which supported our leaflets.

Maureen Nesbit, retiring OPC Sec, was pleased that with a variety of helpers the Open Poetry Competition generated over 600 entries and turned in a profit.

Elizabeth Taylor retiring In-house Competition Sec remarked that although the competitions generated less entry numbers this year some of the competition genres were not general interest, however many members rose to the challenges.

Programme Secretary Phyllida Scrivens said that this year’s success had been a mainly due to Marilyn Fountains programme, She told the members that because of the questionnaire earlier in the year, this programme would be somewhat experimental although there would still be four competitions she had tried to fulfill the request for more workshops.

There was a lively discussion on ideas for the manuscript evening, - general subjects versus work in progress, versus failed competition entries versus feed back for visitors. Adrian decided that we should remain flexible and decide later what would be appropriate on the night.

 The Publicity Report: Victoria Bartlett thought the general overall publicity had worked well with several new members. However in the light of previous remarks it seems urgent to work on different aspects of the Circle including our social status, friendly atmosphere, reasonable rates and diverse events.

It was reassuring to have 22 staunch members present with enthusiastic volunteers taking up committee positions.

Election of Officers:

Chairman: Adrian Dearnley           Vice-Chairman: Sean Hindle
Hon. Treasurer: Alan Rosser           Publicity: Victoria Bartlett
Programme Secretary: Phyllida Scrivens      
Webmaster/Blog: James Dimelow
Competition Secretary: Anastasia Pope       
Minutes Secretary: Val Fullerton
Membership Secretary: Doreen Rosser and      
 Assistant: Jaani Seaman
Committee: Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Taylor      
OPC Secretary: Vacant

OPC 2013 and Circle Anniversary publication

There was a spirited debate when Adrian asked members if we should continue to have the OPC or celebrate our 70th year with an anthology of members work, or do something else (short story comp) or drop everything as open competitions took a lot of labour.

Diane Wilson suggested keeping the NWC celebration to 75 years as this seemed a more usual one.

Neil Walker asked if any members entered the OPC.

Put to the vote the majority voted to keep the OPC and left the committee to organize and decide how this was to be achieved.

Minor issues of venues for socials and other details of newsletter were then discussed before Vice President Elizabeth Bencze presented prizes.

The Cooper Prize for Dickens’s style writing
went to Doreen Rosser,

The Sutton Cup for Humour
remained with Sally Newton,

There was a tie for first place in the
Competition Cups
between Victoria Bartlett and Sally Newton
with Doreen Rosser finishing third.

Friday 29 June 2012

Summer Social 23rd June 2012

The Social was so enjoyable that I completely forgot to take photos! My apologies for that. We were sorry that a few of our regulars were prevented from attending due to various reason but the heart of the writing Circle membership came with some family members and had great fun taking part in a hilarious word quiz supplied by Anne and Barre Funnell. The buffet was about right this time with varied contributions added to the basic salad, bread dips etc. provided by the Circle and the raffle generated £31 for our Circle funds. Adrian thanked everyone for making it an entertaining and happy event.

It only remains for me to remind you all that the AGM is on Tuesday 3rd July 2012 when we hope a good turnout will ensure the future of the Circle with as many members as possible coming forward to help on the committee. We have found in the past that many hands do indeed make light work and even the smallest involvement helps.